According to Pieko, the game supports 4K resolution and ray tracing, but the most important achievement is the rendering of two images from two worlds. It was the new generation of consoles that made this idea possible.

As the developer admitted, “technology is not the best friend of horror movies, because the worst things happen in the minds of players.” Lighting is useful, but it is the darkness that awakens the fear of users and makes them wonder: “And what is there?”. If you add a grainy effect, the dark areas will start to move, provoking the imagination and causing even more anxiety among players.

Pieko said that the duality of the game world also affects the gameplay – the user often needs to perform some actions in one reality to influence another. The semi-fixed camera just helps players focus on both worlds at the same time.

Nevertheless, the existence of two worlds is at the same time the biggest problem for developers. The art department had a difficult task – to find a balance between maintaining the unity of style and giving uniqueness to both worlds. At the same time, it was important to make sure that the main character stood out against the background of the environment.

The real world in the game has a bluish tinge, which enhances the Eastern European atmosphere, and the heroine is wearing a red sweater, thanks to which the user does not lose sight of her. In the world of spirits everything is different – it is dominated by a reddish hue, and the heroine stands out with her white hair.

In creating the spirit world, the developers were inspired by the disturbing, gloomy and surreal paintings of Zdzislaw Beksinski.